Tuesday 7 December 2010

Running around like a headless chicken

Today was a bit of a hectic one and only my second day of trying to curate, the feedback and the very fact that we had asked people to re-submit work for this exhibition did not go down well, not at all. When i left uni last night at 9pm thinking that i'd had a good first day at this curation thing, having left at least a stack of 25 handwritten feedback forms and a poster telling people to come see me, the people who had gotten the feedback did not feel the same way. I had a groups of first and second years who where not happy, so i spent my morning trying to explain why the curation team had (i don't want to use the word rejected) felt the way they did and giving them advice as how to improve their work (something i felt that the third years would have not done for me when i was a first year) However i feel that positivity is the better way of getting problems solved. So the second half of my day was spent running between our studio and the Graphics studio trying to get the exhibition poster designed. One thing i learned about Graphic designer today - no matter what u ask them to do they have there own ideas! One of my first ideas was to have the A4 posters A4 sized - apparently this is a no no! and a Graphic designers cardinal sin- so that was that idea out of the window! Then he asked could he play around with the name - to which i said "sure give it ago"
to return an hour later to find out the posters now bore the title 210 x 297 - the standard A4 size- whilst i liked it - i didnt think most people would know the size of an A4 piece of paper and know what that meant on a poster "for chrissakes its an art college they should know" was the reply i got. If im honest i didnt think that most of my own class would know that so i used my vito. I didn't want to ask to much of liam as he was doing me a favor, the only things i wanted to be on the poster was an A4 sized space and the information i had given him, the rest was trial and error until we got a series of layouts that we both liked that i then i showed them to Dan and Paula and we all picked one to go with. So tomorrows job is to get it ready for screen printing and hopefully we will get in done in one day .

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